The 10 Reasons You Should Not Ignore a Backache
10. The straw will break the camel’s back
We’ve all heard the expression “the straw that broke the camel’s back.” This is so true for too many people who ignore minor spinal problems. One day they do something silly, like bend down to tie their shoe and they can’t get up. Major problems are much more painful and expensive to care for, and they can ruin your life forever.9. The times that you need your spine the most will be the time that it will tend to give out on you
If you neglect your spine, you can be sure that when you need it the most due to stress, physical activity, business or pleasure travel, or even a big game-it can give out on you. Extra stress on a weak spine and nervous system can overload your system during your most important times. Regular adjustments as a part of your lifestyle can keep you healthy and prevent these inconvenient episodes from putting a damper on your life.
8. Nerve pressure can exist without pain
According to the research, pain is not a good indicator of how healthy or unhealthy your spine is. Spinal examinations such as posture, weight balance, palpation, muscle testing, computer scans and x-rays are much better indicators. Pain is usually the last to show up and the first to be relieved when you begin chiropractic care.
7. Nerves supply your whole body
Your spine protects your nerve system, the master control center of your body. Vital energy flows over your nerves and communications with every cell. Nerve pathways must be clear for the messages to get through. If you have an uncorrected spinal problem, it can cause a decrease in the function of vital organs and systems, and lead to severe problems.
6. Deterioration can begin within 2 weeks
Researchers found that when the spine is misaligned it can begin to deteriorate within 2 weeks. Think about how many two weeks have passed since you were born, which is often when the first spinal injury occurs. How many two weeks are there from a childhood fall to age 50? Is it any wonder why more than 15 million people are diagnosed with osteoarthritis each year?
5. Grandma and Grandpa didn’t get crooked overnight. They grew that way over time
This goes along with number 6. Over time, the spine and nervous system deteriorates, not because of age, but because of subluxations. Just like the tires on your car wear down unevenly when they are misaligned, the same can happen in your spine. You may have some areas in your spine that look like they are 80 years old while you have other areas that are more like a 30 year old. You can keep your entire spine healthy with chiropractic Lifestyle Care.
4. Your quality of life depends on a healthy spine
If you want to be healthy and active as you age, your spine and nervous system must be healthy. Period.
3. Good posture keeps you young and attractive
When your body becomes bent over and crooked, you will look and feel old and decrepit. If you keep your posture and your spine straight and strong, you will stay healthy, young and attractive. Many people attempt to use facelifts to preserve their youthful appearance as they age. A facelift would look silly on a person whose spine was neglected.
2. You can’t afford to get sick or injured
Now more than ever, you cannot afford to get sick. Crisis care costs are astronomical and an unhealthy spine and nervous system can be the cause of so many problems.
1. Because your chiropractor cares
Our office sees too many people who wait until they have intense pain and suffering. Don’t let this happen to you. Make an appointment with Dr. Tran today.
Tips for a Happy and Healthy Halloween
As you may already know, more children now than ever are suffering from weight problems, and Halloween does no favours for our youngsters in that regard. Rather than handing out chocolates and lollies this Halloween, consider filling those trick-or-treat backs with healthier options.Your local organic or health-food shop most likely stocks a wide range of healthy and tasty treats. They’ll still satisfy the most demanding sweet tooth, but without the worrying amounts of sugar and trans fats contained in many chocolate bars or snack foods. They’ll also be more nutritious than the more traditional Halloween fare.
Some tasty but healthy options include sunflower chips, pumpkin seeds, dried fruit strips, or even individual packs of sultanas or chopped dried apricots (avoid nuts such as peanuts since some kids may be allergic to them).
If you’d rather not hand out food-based treats this Halloween, you can opt for trick-or-treating options such as puzzles, games, small toys, or even pens and pencil. However, if you opt for this route, be sure that the treats that you’re handing out are appropriate for the children you’re giving them to – for example, avoid giving small children items that they may choke on.