Monday, October 6, 2014

Why does Congress PROHIBIT us from suing these drug companies?

They can poison your kids... but Congress says you CAN’T sue them???

"Drug companies allowed to poison your kids," says Congress (???)

Imagine an electrician fixed your house and assured you everything was perfectly safe and up to code...

But then he demanded you sign away your legal rights to sue him if something bad happened.

(Even if your child brushed against an exposed wire and got shocked.)

Wouldn’t that seem a bit odd?

Yet this is exactly what all the big drug companies are doing...

On one hand they tell us that their vaccines are 100% safe and effective... and there are absolutely no risks.

But, on the other hand...

They bribe members of Congress to pass laws that make it IMPOSSIBLE for you to sue them or get fair compensation...

Even if something “accidentally” goes wrong...

Even if there are dangerous and deadly side effects...

Your child could have a severe reaction... and the drug companies would (legally) owe you NOTHING!

But here’s where it gets crazy...

In recent years, over 13,000 parents have reported vaccine related injuries like seizures, brain damage, and even death.

One mom paid over $2.1 million in medical costs to care for her son after one such “accident.”


What’s all this about?

Well, my good friend, Jeff Hays is an award winning filmmaker who’s been short-listed for an Academy Award. And for the last 12 months, he’s been flying across the U.S. and examining the ugly truth about Big Food and Big Pharma.

He interviewed whistleblowers, former sales agents, doctors, scientists and professors.

And he was stunned by what he discovered.

Now, you may already have a haunting suspicion that something’s up with Big Food, Big Pharma and the Health Industry. After all, you’ve heard of GMOs, lawsuits against drug companies and the like...

But if you’re at all like I was... you’ll be blown away by how deep this rabbit hole really goes.

I was truly SHOCKED!

Jeff exposes it all in his startling new documentary, Bought. Including...

- Former GSK sales rep got FIRED when he refused to sell unapproved, off-label drugs to kids. (See his full story here... and realize... he’s not the only one.)

- Are flu shots really safe? See what caused a massive spike in deaths to unborn babies during recent influenza seasons (hint... it wasn’t the flu). And, how drug companies completely BURIED this data.

- How a drug company “edited” away proof that their anti-depressant drug made people “suicidal” and “emotionally unstable”... and got the study published in the most respected journal in science!

Before you (or your child) get another pill or shot, you have to watch this...BELOW

PS: Did you know that we now spend twice as much on drugs and health care as we do on food?

Yekra Player

Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films.


The hidden story about vaccines, autism, drugs and food… Americas health has been BOUGHT. Your health, your family’s health. Now brought to you by Wall Street… “If you thought they hurt us with the banks, wait till you see what they’re doing to health care.” Vaccines. GMOs. Big Pharma. Three big, BIG, okay… HUGE topics in one film. Why? Why not 3 films, why put all this in one movie? Great question, 2 answers. 1st and most importantly: We need to band together. We need a mainstream film, not another radical movie that only interests the “already converted”. Over 5 million people supported Prop 37 in CA. Reportedly, over 2 million worldwide marched against Monsanto in a global protest. There are thousands of actively involved parents focused on vaccine safety truth. We’re going to use multiple groups to make sure the critical message in this film “crosses the chasm” and makes it into mainstream. We’ve already allied with some of the most successful voices in these areas. We can’t afford to stay “silo’ed”, focused on only one key issue. These causes are directly related, and we need to harness all of us to draw close to the level of noise put out by the medical-industrial conglomerate. Combining all three topics makes wonderful storytelling, because it’s the same villain! You peel back the layers and see what’s really driving our industrialized food, our insane vaccine expansion, and our love affair with pharmaceuticals- it’s the same villain. It’s a risky story to tell, but would be a tragedy to passively consent to with silence. There is something horribly wrong with health care today. Huge money, billions and billions of dollars flowing into the same pockets. Meanwhile, MD’s aren’t being allowed to actually practice the art of medicine and anyone who questions vaccination safety, pharmaceuticals, factory farms, etc. is ridiculed and belittled. Meanwhile, the billions keep flowing, carried on a river of pain and anguish. Huge corporations funded by individual misery, one broken life at a time. Three huge stories, each worthy of multiple films, but each brought together by one staggering fact: it’s the same villain. These three story lines converge on Wall Street, in a tale of corruption, greed and shocking lack of conscience.

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